House II version C:
2017: e-Architects phase I, Shinnecock Hills, Southampton, New York


House II version C:
2017: e-Architects completed pahse I construction on House II version C in Shinnecock Hills, Southampton, New York

ENDLESS HOUSE: House II Version C proposes a series of spatial loops that aim to activate a multidinemsional space-environment, based on the researched complex mathematical surface topological properties of House II Version B by e-Architects.

TYPOLOGY | TOPOLOGY: House II version C is a house project that integrates multiple architectural typologies within a single topology. The theory of the project is based on the motivation and displacement of the historical nine square grid organizational problem in which center and periphery as well as other spatial organizational questions emerge. The house initially proposes three distinct programmatic areas: a tower loft, a L shape living loft, and a separate independent loft-studio. Each of these three space typologies have independent exterior access, adding flexibility to the hybrid housing model. They are both interconnected as a single house or they can be accessed independently from the outside, adding flexibility and independence to the typologies and their living experience as well as its relationship to the outside, the landscape, and the environment. These three discrete typologies are then displaced topologically into a single looping space through a ramping element. These possible loops-spaces aim to address problems of multidimensionality. Corner and center spaces become first clear typological references that are then displaced by creating continuous fluidity with each other. Additional center-periphery continuities will be created in the several future phases of the house addressing the Generic Coordinate Space displacing the three Cartesian planes. The space of the house challenges cognition, orientation and bodily affection with a unique architectural aesthetic. The house diagram is thought to continuously grow, displacing increasingly both its origination point (the tower) as well as its surrounding spaces (frames and landscapes). This house integrates interior and exterior intermediate spaces in a singular looping continuously differentiated surface-structure aiming to address problems of infinity variations in its possible experiences, activating an endless house problem.

TOWNSHIP CODE: House IIC was granted a unique Code Variance after reviewing with the Southampton Township multiple relationships between the form of the house and the form of the frame of the site.

SPACE-ENVIRONMENT | ECOLOGY EFFICIENCY, FLUID DYNAMICS: The modeling for HOUSE IIC is also informed by fluid dynamic simulation, integrating interior and exterior spaces and its surrounding environments. The model defines a construction of a space-environment detached from the ground. The house has achieved some of the highest marks in energy efficiency levels in the Hamptons, NY for energy preservation, energy efficiency and minimum use of heating. This was measured using HERS modeling, fluid dynamics energy modeling and Energy Star levels matched with Green Building Code. The practicality of these levels was achieved by strict engineered strategies combining: air ventilation, air circulation, air recycling volumes per minute, sun exposure, glass exposure, glass ultra violet filtering layers, double glass panels, higher than normal insulating materials, coordinating glass-sun exposure with the form of the house, modeling air flow circulation in relation to openings and air volume changes, among other technical aspects that informed the design. There are only three moments of relationship with the exterior, and when the three openings are coordinated, the three-orientation typology of the house (X,Y,Z) captures wind patterns in any of these three directions. These breeze patterns are accentuated once they enter the house by air pressure and air temperature differentials between the three distinct house areas. Each typology in the house has a distinct temperature, humidity and air movement. The glass and its orientation, the materials implemented and mostly important the design articulation between the three building types, make this house a model for energy distribution and air flow circulation for temperature control.

LANDSCAPE DESIGN: the landscape design of the house both expands and critiques the house spatial structure. By expanding the surface topologies and voids of the three units, the landscape expands three voids to wrap and contain the site inverting figure and void spaces. Instead of framing the site, the landscape inverts the site containment through the voids of the house spaces. The house develops three interdependent gardens for each of the typologies of the house in continuity with the house topologies. The landscape consists of 200 trees that work out hedges-walls defining the garden structure. The three "gardens" consist of one courtyard and two gardens. Each garden serves one typology of the house and separate independent entrances to the three distinct house structures and living typologies. The gardens expand and contract in relation to the house voids. When contracting the gardens work with perspectival distortions of space-time perception.

CONSTRUCTION: RECYCLED MATERIALS: The construction system plays and integral part in the logic of the architecture of the house. An innovative parallam system with reconstituted wood fibers offers smaller structural sections and a unique relationship to nature through materials. While complying with environmental sensibility, the house proposes a unique aesthetics. Most of the materials in the house are reclaimed materials, reconstituted materials and recycled materials.

CREDITS: House II, 2013-2014. Cartopological Cartesian Topology ©  space. e-Architects; Design Lead and Research: Pablo Lorenzo-Eiroa. Architect of Record: Meredith Bostwick-Lorenzo Eiroa / Eiroa Architects, PC. Research Assistant: Luo Xuan, Pedro Joaquin.  Structural Engineer Aamer Islam, PE; Contractor: Hamptons R.M.R. (Atilla Ozturk and Ron Gaines);  eiroa architects, PC NY architect of record.

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