: electronic-Architects : environmental-Architects : ecological-Architects : earthworks-Architects : e-Architects: eiroa Architects is a design laboratory studio : eiroa (celtic: "from the ground"). e-Architects is based in New York City's Silicon Alley (Flat Iron District), and also located in The Hamptons NY, and Buenos Aires.

e-Architects defines an architecture and urbanism of information.  e-Architects projects range from the digital to the physical, from designing and representing information systems to designing space-environments.  e-Architects projects range from architecture to design, from urbanism to ecological systems, from the landscape of the city to the architecture of the landscape, including experimentation with information systems that define smart cities and innovation in digital fabrication. e-Architects develops software, information "mapping" and "visualizations", surveys, including machines to "draw" and machines to "build", therefore displacing and expanding the systems and parameters that define architecture. These issues are informed by cutting edge custom technology, including Big Data Survey 3d scanning, API, multidimensional parallel and correlational processing, blockchain technologies, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Big Data, algorithms, virutal robots, simulations, mathematics, virtual environments, "visualizations". Information actualizations become active through phyiscal computation, robotics, robotic fabrication and materials. e-Architects continuously expands these categories and disciplinary boundaries in each project. "Digital Fabrication" is thought as an informed actualization developing unique project-specific robotics, robotic fabrication machines, and materials.

e-Architect's design philosophy is to question the parameters that become referential in an architecture of information. By displacing spatial typologies through topology, this studio develops innovative spatial constructions that critique the structures that prescribe a project. Likewise, this studio also displaces the media and information technology interfaces that structure origination in a project through representation. By these means this studio relates deeper conceptual structures with visual and experiential affection. These methods are also expanded into the architecture of the landscape with operations that work with natural and artificial environments. The studio works with ecology understanding architecture as space-environment, whether real or virtual.

e-Architects' philosophy is to question assumed cultural structures with conceptual designs that focus on recognizing, and criticizing, stable spatial organizations and media interfaces that structure origination in a project. Through processes of recognition/critique/displacement, projects develop relationships between a conceptual approach, the latency involved in the specificity of a place, and the media based information technologies that displace the subject's experience.

The studio's projects aim to propose a new structuralist avant-garde revisiting contemporary  poststructuralist theories. By these means these projects intend to develop an advancement in the critique of stable/homogenous organizational structures, which constitute the fundamentals of modern thinking, and also a critique of relative instability/differentiation that such definitions of topology present.

Challenging the point of departure of the matrices and systems where architecture processes originate, enables the studio's designs to develop a consistent but flexible modus-operandi that resolves the relationship between professional demands and the recognition of the qualities of a place, avoiding stylistic determination with artistic quality. The strategies that have been dominating architecture, such as modularity, repetition, or homogeneity, are displaced with formal solutions that challenge current avant-gardes but also recognize previous historical attempts. This delivers unique spatial and formal solutions that recognize an autonomy based on processes that constitute form, and an innovative aesthetic language that is striated by media-based information technology that acknowledges the subject and his psycho-somatic experience. 

Through these strategies this studio aims to develop a critical body of work in relation to the contemporary state of expansion of architecture, and the role of media-interfaces that have been prescribing recent avant-gardes.