Enfolding the Expanded Field: Cartopological © Space III redefining the relative

TYPOLOGY displaced through TOPOLOGY


Pablo Lorenzo-Eiroa (Head Professor and Coordinator-Associate Professor adj.) James Lowder (Assistant Professor), Katerina Kourkoula (instructor).

Contemporary architecture has been disregarding spatial organization motivating visual impact. Many of the contemporary canons, in reaction to the architecture of the previous decades, have resulted in the abandonment of the engagement of spatial structures. These seemingly formal diverse yet structurally stable displacements are based on a non-conceptual differentiation . Post-structuralist theories, as a reactionary force against structuralist ones, broke away from the philosophical conceptual premise of deconstruction: to develop a full decomposition of any assumed disciplinary fundamentals. Rather than focusing on syntactical organizational problems investigating alternative displacements of these fundamentals, post-structuralist tendencies have been lately hiding deep conceptual structures in favor of superficial perceptual structures. Media advanced a sensibility and education in society towards the understanding of a visual logic and was highly beneficial to architecture, which bases its logic in form, accessible both through optic and tactile senses in a field identified as a visual art. But the visual has exhausted its capacity to be critical, since media has progressively been hiding underlying rigid protocols ensuring mass control, separating visual appeal and affection from the underlying structures that have been engineered to manipulate behavior. But the solution is not to favor one level in disregard to the other, but to articulate different levels of information in a project to achieve a higher architecture performance. Therefore a necessary critical attitude is to rethink the relationship between structuralism and post-structuralism, disclosing deep structures to the foreground addressing their role in qualifying bodily affection.

Concepts of systems, parametric design, and some of the questions that algorithms raise were discussed as students constituted systems and induced displacement to these linear cognitive structures. These systems were aimed to displace their origin structures and the dominant stable domestic typologies through different definitions of topology.
Multiple predetermined modern spatial typologies are questioned through relative topological displacements. The studio proposed a space suspended in tension between topological displacements challenging their absolute stable referential Cartesian coordinate system. A space defined as Cartopological.

Design II studio developed a un-house for a divorced couple departing from a canonical nine square grid organization. These informed constructions defined both the physical qualities of each project as each engaged materiality in their own terms, and ultimately the form of an entire class wide landscape.




Design II 2012 Fall Students: Sam Young Kwang Choi, Yoonah Choi, Patrick Collingwood, Alice Colverd, Art Dushi, Cassandra Engstrom, Maximillian Gideonese, Diego Gonzalez, Corrie Hall, Isabel Higgins, Jenny Hsiao, Jemuel Joseph, Ashley Katz, Kyle Keene, Jieun Kim, Sang Jung Kim, So Youn Kim, Luke Kreul, Sehee Lee, Yoo Min Lee , Jaime Pabon, Xavier Rivas, Alexander Ruiz, Diego Salazar, Kyle Schroeder, Mitchell Schessler, Vanessa Tai, Janine Wang

2013 The Cooper Union. End of the Year Show Opening: Tuesday May 28st of 2013 at 6pm, The Cooper Union, 7 East 7th Street, New York, NY, Foundation Building, Ground Floor Colonnade.

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