2010 ACADIA 2010 Conference @ THE COOPER UNION new poster + press release ACADIA 2010 Conference Life in:formation hosted at The School of Architecture of The Cooper Union Life in:formation was co-chaired by Associate Professor Adjunct Pablo Lorenzo-Eiroa, of The Cooper Union, in conjunction with Assistant Professor Aaron Sprecher of McGill University and Assistant Professor Shai Yeshayahu of Southern Illinois University. This conference also involved an exhibition of work curated by the Exhibiton Chairs of ACADIA 2010: Chandler Ahrens of Morphosis, Axel Schmitzberger Assistant Professor at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona and Michael Wen Sen Su Visiting Assistant Professor at Pratt Institute. The conference offered a space for the discussion of the problems involved in the way architects, engineers and artists collect, analyze, assemble, represent and implement information. There is a growing interest in questioning the architecture implicit to the conformation of information. The architecture of information implies a critical intermediary abstract space relative to processing that has been producing a shift in the core of the discipline. These questions imply an overall ideological ambition of the conference. There is indeed a trajectory that intends to build up a critical alternative axis to the way digital information systems have been understood in architecture since 1990s, primarily based on a visual logic. Media has repressed digital architecture to a mere representational role, negating the potential relational logic of systems, a formal aesthetic fundament based on the structuring of mental relationships. It is becoming quite clear that if architects do not break or displace the given source codes of algorithms and create their own, their work is trapped by the predetermination of the set of ideas contained within those programs. What this concept questions is authorship (*), the necessity to displace and create structures that organize and process information; and the extent of an autonomy within the constitution of the logic of formal processes. This understanding is based on an ambition that may help a historical venture. Ultimately architecture may inform and be relevant to technology, as opposed to architecture being relative to technological actualization. (* concept presented at this ACADIA 2010 conference, later referred to in Mario Carpo's The Alphabet and Algorithm, 2011) But why information at Cooper? The growing array of interfaces that striate digital architecture are layers where information is represented, crossed, manipulated and ultimately presented. If interfaces are spaces of representation, they are spaces of differentiation, and since there is no information without representation, these spaces activate a generative capacity, as architectural content is constituted in a responsive topological loop between form and content. The interface is the context within which the work is made possible, implying a topological relationship between the apparently formless flow of data that is seen extrinsic to form, structure, the interfaces involved and how information is constituted. It seemed appropriate to question these problems to a school where the deep understanding of representation has activated different levels of self referential disciplinary thinking that propelled different structuralist and poststructuralist approaches. Such strategies enable a responsive generative capacity in interfaces where architectural problems are activated by the questioning of the frame through which they are constituted. Architecture is then possible at that moment, when the interface performs within the work, establishing an autonomy, a reality, and a metaphysics only possible within the discipline. An autonomy that has not yet entered the digital…. These premises were integrated through the curatorial work of the conference chairs, but were also challenged and expanded by the work and discussion of the many participants of such a complex international event. In order to draw certain interest towards to the immense body of work left in the publications, it is interesting to note certain themes that were able to grant certain strategies and attention against the linear use of information. The keynote lecturers included both theoreticians, historians and experimental practitioners, such as: Georges Teyssot derived from a foucaultian background the problem of curvature through a philosophical approach, critiquing linear information representation relative to the topological relationship intrinsic in Sausure’s algorithm Sign=S/s; Antoine Picon provided a critical historical reference to the digital project pointing the work of experimental practitioners; Karl Chu built up a genetic based morphogenesis based on cross relationships between the brain and organisms in an architecture autonomy implicit to computation in his Planet Automata series; Evan Douglis constructed morphing patterns that incorporate evolutionary movement; and Georges Legendre introduced a mathematical specificity from binary codes that layer information. The work in progress sessions and the peer review papers developed questions of structuring of information included Antonino Saggio who defined the principles of information; Alexis Meier contrasted the logos of architecture to mathematics through structuralism; Ingeborg Rocker analyzed interfaces between analog and digital systems; Andrew Saunders proposed mathematical parametric reinterpretations of the Baroque; Chris Perry presented an anticipatory architecture of extrapolative design; and Christian Derix discussed interactive problem solving in spatial organization as a means for an autonomy. In regards to the embodiment of information, Antonino Di Taimo presented the body as an information cognitive living system; David Gersten analyzed current mathematical geographies with regards to Capital and technology; Martin Bressani constructed a digital theory of affect; and Alessandra Ponte warned about a turn to phenomenology in current digital discourse. Interestingly, on the opposite end and departing from technically oriented design innovations aiming for larger theoretical concerns, Jesse Reiser explained the transition from material logics to vectorial forces; Nader Tehrani’s presented his installations exploring forces by crossing information and material behavior; Scott Marble proposed an alternative design assembly that understands the intrinsic socio-economic factors that enter manufacturing; Matias del Campo developed modes of material information aggregation resisting continuity; Rhett Russo provided a technical bottom up means to deal with computation and aesthetics; David Ruy proposed a means to reach visual affection through information structures in a continuously differentiated scale; and finally Achim Menges described materials’ molecular behavior as a contraception in terms of their apparent logic. These discussions were moderated by the Chairs in conjunction with Emily Abruzzo, Mario Carpo, Alberto Estevez, Eva Franch Gilabert, Eric Goldemberg, James Lowder, Jenny Sabin, Mohamed Sharif and Michael Young, opening up the discussion between participants and building up content with the help of the attentive an enthusiastic public. The workshop sessions made available to the conference participants unique opportunities to experiment with groundbreaking research. The conference aim was also to question directions and push the boundaries of software developer’s efforts. Workshop sessions included small, medium and large software developers: from small innovative software developers such as Hans-Christoph Steiner or Mustafa Bagdatli implementing sensors and interaction in physical computation through Arduino and Firmata at NYU ITP directed by Dan O’Sullivan; to large software companies that develop information parametric relationships to coordinate large flows of data in building construction that are also tested in environment simulation, using Autodesk (Marc Jezyk) and Bentley (Rob Snyder); these companies develop platforms that enable some of the work at large offices such as SOM (Robert Yori); other workshops included the aesthetically sophisticated interfaces developed for fabrication coordination by Gehry Technologies (James Kotronis); and finally these workshops also included experimentation with open source infrastructure developed by Rhinoceros that has been growing progressively due to the platform ability to ensemble multiple interfaces such as RhinoScript, Grasshopper, Python, and others. These workshops were organized and curated by the Conference Chairs to provided unique technical expertise and give ground and focus to the larger theoretical aspirations of the conference. These presentations were followed by a round table discussion at The Great Hall moderated by the Conference Chairs with Paul Seletsky. Overall, Life in:formation featured an impressive number of academic and experimental activities including: 10 groundbreaking 3 day long international workshops featured in 18 presentations and a round table discussion; 5 keynote lectures; 14 guest speakers sharing their work in progress; 36 peer reviewed paper presentations divided into three sessions selected by a 120 international expert peer reviewing committee; and included 16 moderated round table discussions. The exhibition of work curated by the Exhibiton Chairs of ACADIA 2010 was composed of 15 peer reviewed projects and 12 curated research projects exhibited and were featured within a site specific installation based on a crowdsourcing system that informed relationships among projects. This installation was developed at a satellite venue at the Siegel Gallery at The School of Architecture at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, and both its content as well as its form were discussed in a round table moderated by the Exhibition Chairs. The closing of such event accumulated into a vibrant night performance session: ACADI@NY, a digital energetic spatial affection of The Great Hall moderated by Meredith Bostwick transforming such historic space to the rhythm of many avant-garde media artists, highlighting the spatial vibe that DJ Rob Swift performed; the media visualization collaboration between visual artists Chika Iijima and Peter Kirn; the analog-digital sounds of Laura Escude and the complex software for music production exhibited by DJ Endo; all of which framed the work of 20 selected students projects representing the work of Architecture Schools from the Tri-State Region. Overall the conference had over 600 attendees from over more than 25 countries around the globe that completed this truly international event collaborating with important discussions that made this venue one of the most relevant academic events of 2010. This conference could not have been possible without the continuous generous support of Dean Anthony Vidler, Associate Dean Elizabeth O’Donnell; Continuing Education Director David Greenstein; Administrative Assistant Monica Shapiro; Secretary Patt De Angelis; Multimedia Support Sara Foley; in addition to the special assistance provided by Zulaikha Ayub and Veronica Barrow that were involved as Site Coordinators and the assistance of Tiago Barros, Ricardo Escutia and Glen Barfield. From ACADIA we would like to especially acknowledge the support of President Nancy Cheng, Incoming President Aron Temkin, former President Mahesh Senagala and the 2010 Steering Committee specially to Phillip Besley, Greg Luhan and Omar Kahn. This conference was sponsored by more than 25 leading international companies related to computation. The documentation of this event is featured in two publications: the Conference Proceedings is composed of keynote, panelist’s and selected essays edited by the Conference Chairs; and the Exhibition Catalog edited by the Exhibition Chairs features the work of the exhibition. Both of these publications designed by Axel Shmitzberger of Starfish Prime are available through amazon.com. For more information and the upcoming video posts please visit www.acadia.org/acadia2010 Report prepared for The Cooper Union Annual Publication by Pablo Lorenzo-Eiroa. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ACADIA 2010 Conference Facts: From the original conference press release: The ACADIA 2010 conference focused on the changing nature of information and its impact on architectural
education, research and practice. With the ever-increasing integration of
information technologies in the design laboratory, the discipline of
architecture has changed profoundly in recent years. The emerging fields of
digital fabrication, generative and evolutionary modeling among others, are now
at the core of investigations in a growing community of digital design
practitioners and researchers. 2010 10-21/24 ACADIA Life in:formation Conference. More than 90 presentations in a 4 days international conference featuring CONFERENCE CHAIRS: Pablo Lorenzo-Eiroa, Aaron Sprecher, Shai Yeshayahu. EXHIBITION CHAIRS: Chandler Ahrens, Axel Schmitzberger, Michael Wen-Sen Su. KEYNOTE LECTURERS: Karl Chu Karl Chu, Evan Douglis, George Legendre george legendre, Antoine Picon, Georges Teyssot. INVITED PANELISTS: Martin Bressani, Christian Derix, Alberto T.Estévez, David Gersten, Mark Linder, Scott Marble, Alexis Meier, Alessandra Ponte, Ingeborg Rocker, Jenny Sabin, Antonino Saggio, Mohamed Sharif, Nader Tehrani, David Theodore. PEER REVIEW LECTURERS: Jonathon Anderson, Paul Andersen, Stefan Bader, Pablo Banda, Michael Beaman, Pravin Bhiwapurkar, Lawrence Blough, Johannes Braumann, Danelle Briscoe, Mark Cabrinha, Kermin Chok, Mark J. Clayton, Sigrid Brell-Cokcan, Scott Crawford, Joanna Crotch, Karola Dierichs, Mark Donofrio, Christina Doumpioti, Anna Dyson, Halil I. Erhan, Simon Flory, Isak Worre Foged, Virginia San Fratello, Jordon Geiger, Benjamin Golder, Evan Greenberg, Eric Hegre, Silvana Herrera, Martyn Horner, Tim Ireland, Tomasz Jaskiewicz, Przemyslaw Jaworski, Sara Jensen, Hauke Jungjohann, Konstantinos Karatzas, Jong Bum Kim, David Lung, Robert Mantho, Carlos L.Marcos, Anijo Mathew, Achim Menges, Nathan Miller, Nicholas de Monchaux, Volker Mueller, Hugo Mulder, Jacob Riiber Nielsen, Anke Pasold, Shivang Patwa, Chris Perry, Esben Skouboe Poulsen, Helmut Pottmann, Antonino di Raimo, Vinu Subashini Rajus, Bernhard E. Riecke, Rhett Russo, Flora Dilys Salim, David Salomon, Heinz Schmiedhofer, Kyle Steinfeld, Martin Tamke, Ming Tang, Vlad Tenu, Shahin Vassigh, Jason Vollen, Jennifer Wall, Robert Woodbury. MODERATORS: Meredith Bostwick, Martin Bressani, Alberto T. Estévez, Eric Goldemberg, Mark Linder, Scott Marble, Alexis Meier, Alessandra Ponte, Ingeborg Rocker, Jenny Sabin, Antonino Saggio, Paul Seletsky, Mohamed Sharif, David Theodore, Michael Young INVITED EXHIBITION: Archi-Tectonics, Buro Happold, Omar Khan, Morphosis, Clear + McLain Clutter, MOS, Reiser+Umemoto, Ruy/Klein, Andrew Saunders, su11, Mark Shepard, Paul Vanouse. PEER REVIEW EHIBITION: Jonathon Anderson, Reza Baherzadeh, Elizabeth Boone, Eric Brockmeyer, Brennan Buck, Adam Buente, Matias Del Campo, Joseph Choma, Jonas Coersmeier, Lonn Combs, Rona Easton, David Fletcher, David Freeland, Nataly Gattegno, Jason K. Johnson, Konstantinos Karatzas, Ayelet Karmon, Ian Keough, Rodolphe El-Khoury, Rob Ley, Arshia Mahmoodi, Sandra Manninger, Maria Mingallon, Nashid Nabian, Sakthivel Ramaswamy, Mahesh Senegala, Eyal Shaeffer, Ming Tang, Alan Tansey, Mette R. Thomsen, Robert Trempe, Joshua Vermillion, Michael Westlake, Joe White ACADI@NY: DJ performances curated by Meredith Bostwick: Rob Swift,DJ Endo, Zemi 17, Peter Kirn, DJ Precision sponsored by Dubspot ACADIA 2010 Site Coordinator: Zulaika Ayub, Veronica Barrow with assistance of Glen Barfield.
Sherif Abdelmohsen , PhD
candidate, Georgia Institute of Technology / Emily Abruzzo, Assistant Professor,
Parson School of Art / Henri Achten, Associate Professor, Czech Technical
University in Prague / Chandler Ahrens, Senior Designer, Morphosis / Phillip
Anzalone, Director, Building Technology Sequence, Columbia University / Phillip
Beesley, Associate Professor, University of Waterloo / Torben Berns, Visiting
Professor, McGill University / Oliver Bertram, Assistant Professor University of
Applied Art, Vienna / Gail Borden, Assistant Professor, USC / Meredith Bostwick,
Associate Architect, SOM / Martin Bressani, Associate Professor, McGill
University / Anthony Caicco, Visiting Lecturer, The Ohio State University,
Knowlton School of Architecture / Guedi Capeluto, Senior Lecturer, Technion -
Israel Institute of Technology / Sheng-Fen Chien, Assistant Professor, National
Cheng Kung University / Jason Crow , PhD Candidate, McGill University /
Christian Derix , Head of Computational Design and Research, AEDAS / Edouard
Din, Associate Professor of Architecture, Tuskegee University / Marty Doscher,
Director of Information Technology, Morphosis Architects / Jose Pinto Duarte,
Assistant Professor, TU Lisbon / Jeremy Ficca, Assistant Professor, Carnegie
Mellon University / Pia Fricker, Chair for CAAD, ETH, Zurich / Paola Giaconia,
Professor of Architectural Design, California State University in Florence /
Michael D. Gibson, Instructor /r esearcher, Ball State University / Marcelyn Gow,
Design Faculty, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm / Yasha Grobman, PhD,
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology / Mark D Gross, Professor, Carnegie
Mellon University / Gilles Halin, Research Director, MAP-CRAI Laboratory, Nancy
University / Michael Hensel, Professor, AHO Oslo / Christiane M. Herr, Visiting
Assistant Professor, National Cheng Kung University / Alicia Imperiale,
Assistant Professor, Temple University / Mehlika Inanici, Assistant Professor,
University of Washington / Jason Johnson, Assistant Professor, Calgary
University / Omar Khan, Associate Professor, University of Buffalo / Joachim B.
Kieferle, Professor, Hochschule RheinMain / Axel Kilian, Assistant Professor,
Princeton University / Yoshihiro Kobayashi, Research Associate, Arizona State
University / Branko Kolarevic , Professor, Calgary University / Robert J.
Krawczyk, Associate Professor, Illinois Institute of Technology / Peter Lang,
Associate Professor, Texas A&M / Tapani Launis, PhD, Architecture Tapani Launis
/ Brian Lilley, Associate Professor, Dalhousie University / Mark Linder ,
Professor, Syracuse University / Brian Lockyear, Principal, Lockyear Design /
Pablo Lorenzo-Eiroa, Assistant Professor, The Cooper Union / Gregory A. Luhan,
Associate Professor of Architecture, University of Kentucky / Alexis Meier ,
Associate Professor, National Institute of Applied Sciences of Strasbourg (AMUP+LAVUE)
/ Miguel Mesa del Castillo, Technical Specialist, Politécnica Superior de
Architectura del Alicante / Rafael Gomez Moriana, Adjunct Associate Professor,
University of Calgary / Hoda Moustapha, PhD Computational Design, Carnegie
Mellon University / Eduardo S. Nardelli , President, SiGraDi / Eran Neuman,
Chair, Tel Aviv University School of Architecture / Yeonjoo Oh, PhD Candidate,
CoDeLab, Carnegie Mellon University / Filiz Ozel, Professor of Architecture and
Landscape Architecture, Arizona State University / Murali Paranandi, Associate
Professor of Architecture, Miami University / Vera Parlac, Assistant Professor,
Calgary University / Atilio Pentimalli, Instructor, University of Buenos Aires /
Santiago R. Perez, Assistant Professor of Architecture, University of Arkansas /
Christopher Pierce, Unit Master, AA / Celine Pinet, Dean of Instruction, West
Valley College / Alessandra Ponte, Associate Professor, Université de
Montreal / George Proctor, Professor, California State Polytechnic University /
David Ruy, Assistant Professor, Pratt Institute / Jenny Sabin, Lecturer,
University of Pennsylvania / Antonino Saggio, Professor, Universita La Sapienza,
Rome / Andrew Saunders, Assistant Professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute /
Axel Schmitzberger , Assistant Professor, California State Polytechnic
University / Marc Aurel Schnabel, Associate Professor, The Chinese University of
Hong Kong / Mohamed Sharif, Associate Professor, OTIS College of Art and Design
/ SCI-ARC, Los Angeles / Mark Shepard, Assistant Professor, University of
Buffalo / Pedro Soza, Assistant Professor, Univesidad de Chile / Ryan E. Smith,
Assistant Professor, University of Utah / Aaron Sprecher, Assistant Professor,
McGill University / Joshua Stein, Associate Professor, Woodbury University /
Marc Swackhamer, Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota / Michael Su,
Visiting Professor, Pratt Institute / Kyle Talbott, Associate Professor,
UW-Milwaukee / Joshua Taron, Assistant Professor, Calgary University / Aron
Temkin, Dean, Norwich University / Oliver Tessmann, Bollinger + Grohmann
Ingenieure / Lisa Tilder, Associate Professor, The Ohio State University,
Knowlton School of Architecture/ David Theodore, PhD Candidate, Harvard
University / Graziano Mario Valenti, Professor, R.A.D.A.A.R. Universita La
Sapienza, Rome / Eric Verboon, Architect, Buro Happold / Shane Williamson,
Associate Professor, University of Toronto / Wei Yan, Assistant Professor, Texas
A&M University / Shai Yeshayahu, Associate Professor, Southern Illinois
University / So-Yeon Yoon, Assistant Professor, University of Missouri-Columbia
Evolutive Means Inaugurated on the occasion of the conference ACADIA, 2010 LIFE in:formation hosted by The Cooper Union in New York City, the exhibition Evolutive Means hosted by Pratt Institute in Brooklyn examines concepts, tools and technologies that implement responsive and generative aspects of information in the design process.
Evolutive Means On
Adaptation and Selection in Architectural Design
Exhibition hosted by the Pratt Institute
Conference: ACADIA 2010
LIFE in:Formation ACADI@NY: DJ performances and Students Presentations
DJ performances and Students presentations on a 20x20x20 format
Curated by Meredith Bostwick Moderators: Jimmy Lowder Invited DJ performances and visualizations: Rob Swift, DJ Endo, Zemi 17, Peter Kirn, DJ Precision and Chika Iijima sponsored by Dubspot ACADI@NY Event provided a venue as a student forum exploring and communicating new student-driven innovation through processesing and digital architecture research. The Great Hall of Cooper Union will again provide an academic venue where historically, contemporary questions have been raised, debated, and challenged. ACADI@NY Event selected 20 student submissions and invite those students, each in succession to another, to present a 4-minute-interval narrated synopsis of imagery and thought process towards innovative and avant garde digital strategies where software is challenged. Rob Swift http://ww DJ Endow.djrobswift.coZemi 17m/ Peter Kirn DJ Precision ACADI@NY Event is sponsored by:
ACADIA 2010 CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS, PRESENTATIONS AND ROUND TABLE DISCUSSIONModerated by Paul Seletsky and ACADIA 2010 Conference Chairs and Exhibition Chairs: Pablo Lorenzo-Eiroa, Aaron Sprecher and Shai Yeshayahu; Chandler Ahrens, Axel Schmitzberger and Michael Wen-Sen SuACADIA 2010 workshops explored the ways designers, architects, engineers and scientists collect, analyze, assemble and represent information through computational systems that redefine the notions of responsive spaces and design performance. These notions are related to the possibilities and limitations offered by the increasing capabilities of digital interfaces, and the way the processing of information structures relationships between man, the computer and the environment. These series of presentations and workshops will be developed preliminary to the ACADIA 2010 Conference Life In:formation to be hosted at The School of Architecture of The Cooper Union in New York City on October 21-24th of 2010. The workshops will run from October 17th-20th of 2010. Many of these workshops will introduce abstract means to transfer information among multiple software, interfaces, plug-ins and applications but also present pedagogical strategies to work with diverse ideas of computation, its applications and the interfaces involved.ACADIA 2010 WORKSHOPS KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: As an introduction to the themes of the workshops the following speakers will present ideas, strategies and techniques and will also open up problems in a round table discussion that will be available to the public. The different questions that these researchers have been working and that are framed by the questions that the Conference develops and that deal with the abstract question of the transferring of information among software and interfaces in different applications, processes and fabrication and their conceptual implications will be presented in this workshop conference.WHEN: Monday October 18th 2010, 5pm LOCATION: The Great Hall of The Cooper Union, 7 East 7th Street, New York, NY 10028 Matt Jezyk, Senior Manager, workshop keynote speaker, AUTODESK AEC; Rob Snyder, Product Designer, workshop keynote speaker, Bentley; Scott Davidson + 3Dmodeling experts, workshop keynote speakers, RHINOCEROS; James Kotronis, workshop keynote speaker, GEHRY TECHNOLOGIES; Dan O’Sullivan, workshop keynote speaker, NYU ITP Program; Ron de Villa, workshop speaker, RMJM; Charlie Portelli and Sameer Kumar, workshop speakers, KPF; Robert Yori (TBA), workshop speaker, SOM; Hans-Christoph Steiner, Pd, Arduino, and Firmata Developer ACADIA 2010 CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS:OCTOBER 17TH, 18TH, 19TH AND 20TH OF 2010 1-WORKSHOP TITLE: Conceptual Design in Autodesk Revit Architecture, Instructor: Matt Jezyk, Greg Demchak, Senior Designer, Autodesk BIM User Experience; Zachary Kron, Autodesk AEC Senior Quality Assurance Analyst 2- WORKSHOP TITLE: SUSTAINABLE DESIGN WORKSHOP, Instructor: Dr. Andrew Marsh, Sr. Principal Engineer, AEC-Simulation + assistants www.autodesk.com/ecotect3- WORKSHOP TITLE: RhinoScripting Instructor: Dave Pigram, www.rhino3d.com4 - WORKSHOP TITLE: Grasshopper Instructor: Michael Mccunne,www.rhino3d.com5- WORKSHOP TITLE: Advanced Grasshopper Instructor: Ronnie Parsons + Gil Akos, Founders, Studio Mode/modeLab studiomode.nu modelab.nu; grasshopper3d.com6- WORKSHOP TITLE: Introduction to Relational Parametric Strategies, Knowledge Capture & Optimization GEHRY TECHNOLOGIES; Instructor: James Kotronis, Managing Director Gehry Technologies & Victor Keto – Senior Automation Consultant. www.gt-global.com 7- WORKSHOP TITLE: Physical Computing @ NYU ITP Program; Instructor: Mustafa Bağdatlı,ITP Team www.itp.nyu.edu8- WORKSHOP TITLE: Generative Components: Elements of Parametric Design Instructor: Volker Mueller, Director, Applied Research, Bentley Systems and Robert Woodbury, Professor, Simon Fraser University Software: GenerativeComponents www.generativecomponents.com, www.elementsofparametricdesign.com9- WORKSHOP TITLE: Starting with Sensors and Interaction Instructor: Hans-Christoph Steiner, Interaction Designer and Artist; Pd, Arduino, and Firmata Developer http://puredata.info/docs/workshops/AcadiaSensorsInteraction2011 June, At Cooper Publication, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art. ACADIA Conference 2010 brief Hosted at The Cooper Union; Conference Co-Chairs: Pablo Lorenzo-Eiroa, Aaron Sprecher and Shai Yeshayahu; Echibition Co-Chairs Chandler Ahrens, Axel Schmitzberger and Michael Wen Sen Su.